Why Moms Make the Perfect Part-Time Hires

part time working mom

Being a stay at home mom is not for everyone, and neither is being a full time working mom. While it feels like it has to be all or nothing, I’ve learned it doesn’t have to be. And I have some advice for any employers reading out there : consider hiring skilled part timers who are moms. You’ll likely be pleasantly surprised at what they bring to the table!

I fell into a part time job in the communications field a little more than a year ago. A few months earlier, I left a demanding full time job so I could spend time with my new baby. While I never intended to stay home permanently, I enjoyed it more than I expected. Still, I felt like I needed to work, both for the income and because I’ve always been career focused.

So the idea of working two or three days a week sounded perfect, and it has been. I get to keep my foot in the working world while still spending a lot of quality time with my son. I also work for a company that respects my time, so when I’m off the clock, I’m off.

I didn’t think my situation was that special until I started talking to other moms. So many told me they would love to do something similar, getting the chance to use their skills while also getting extra time at home with their kids. But I’ve learned part time jobs or jobs with flexible hours are hard to come by, and that’s why so many women feel forced or choose to leave the workforce.

I wish that wasn’t the case and that employers gave part timers more consideration. According to this article, a 2013 Pew Report found that almost 85% of adults think giving a mom with young kids the ability to take time off or work reduced hours is a good thing. And 42% of adults say moms working part time is ideal.

I would agree and here’s why I think moms make fantastic part time hires:

Moms are talented:
Before becoming moms, most women were in the workforce and had a lot to contribute. Those skills don’t go away because you have kids. And those specific skills can be an asset for many employers.

Moms are efficient:
Give a mom a task and uninterrupted time to get it done, and you’ll be amazed at how much can be accomplished in a part time situation.

Moms are great at multi-tasking:
Moms are used to juggling ten different things at once. If you throw a few more things her way, she won’t think twice about getting the job done.

Would you work part-time if you had the option?

Kim Trinchet
Kim is a Wichita transplant who never planned to stay, but 15 years later she’s convinced Wichita is the perfect place to raise a family. She’s a wife to Jorge and a mama to Nico and Lucia. She moved here from the Chicago suburbs and works in the communications world. The rest of her time is focused on seeking out adventures with her little family. She also loves browsing grocery store aisles, reading cookbooks, iced coffee and wine. Kim’s trying to learn Spanish as well, her kiddos are bilingual and already speak better than she does!