Screen Time for Moms :: Guarding Against Mental Clutter and Information Overload

Remember what life was like in the 80’s? In regard to technology, our family had one shared television in the living room. That was the only screen in our entire house (gasp!). But, seriously, do you remember what it was like??? As a young mom of Generation X, I look back on my childhood and sometimes admire how simple our days were. Other than our family’s one TV, there were no other screens. There was snail mail, land line telephones, books, outside play, homework and board games. The potential for distractions was so much less. Call me “old fashioned” but as a mom, I have my moments when I prefer the memories of those simple days to the reality of our lives now in the current age of technology and information overload.

In some ways, living in the Information Age is wonderful, right? We have any and all answers at our fingertips. And, I love being able to quickly reference my favorite sources of information for parenting and motherhood (hello, Wichita Moms Blog!). I can access an address in a snap, find out about a fun event for my kids, or order just about anything through a quick click on Amazon Prime. It’s really amazing when you think about the conveniences that technology affords our lives, and as a mom, I have a definite appreciation for it! But, then there’s the flip side. The side of feeling like we’re drowning in SO MUCH information that our minds can’t keep up. I’ve had moments when too much connectivity felt heavy and my mind felt mentally cluttered by it all. Sometimes, I have struggled to remember where I last saw something. Was it through a link someone texted me, an email or on Instagram? If I’m honest, I often feel my mind being overwhelmed with too much of #allthethings and if I don’t keep healthy boundaries, I can end up in a mental fog. 

There’s also the challenge of managing all of the sources of information we’re plugged into. Not only do we have physical mail in our mailboxes, but on top of that, we now have email, texts, messages through social media accounts, and more that’s waiting for us throughout the day. Morning, noon or night, I have emails that want my attention. In addition to paying bills and sorting through the physical mail, there’s a need to find time to dedicate to our computer screens or phones to answer our virtual mail. Don’t get me wrong, as a self proclaimed “people person”, I love connectivity. I love people and pictures and real-life conversation – authentic connection is my love language. But, the second the overflowing email box gets out of hand or fills up too many hours in my day, I feel myself shutting down. I want the phone in the drawer, the sunshine on my face and a neighborhood walk with my kids. 

If you’ve felt the weight of mental clutter lately and sometimes struggle with how to filter it all, here are three easy ways I’ve found to free my mind and set simple boundaries against information overload. 

  1. Every day, I choose to produce before I consume. In other words, I get my own work done before I allow myself to consume any additional information in the form of the internet, email or social media. If I want to write a blog post, read a book chapter in a parenting book, write a thank you note, or prepare a crockpot meal for tonight’s dinner, that happens FIRST. Then, I can feel good about catching up with the rest of world. It’s hard because the siren song is loud, but this rule helps me stay focused for myself and my family!
  2. I recently bought a cheap alarm clock to replace the need to sleep with my phone near my bed. Now my phone charges in the mudroom, and I’m loving the “out of sight, out of mind” aspect. No more checking email “one last time” before bed. And, on a normal day, there’s just no need for late night social media, especially if it’s affecting your sleep! Mama needs her beauty rest!
  3. I’ve also implemented a couple of easy ways to reduce screen time. I’ve chosen to remove select apps from my phone so that I’m not tempted to check them throughout the day. Instead, I check them on my desktop when I have time. I’ve also eliminated almost all notifications on my phone. It’s amazing how those little dings and buzzes can totally derail your day. One little message pops up, and you find yourself still scrolling through the same app an hour later….and um, you still haven’t folded that load of laundry! 

Here’s to realistic boundaries, fewer distractions, better mental clarity, improved sleep, and a happier mom life! 

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Kristen Corrigan
Kristen is half city, half country, but a true Southern girl at heart. She moved to Wichita from Nashville, Tennessee in 2014 and calls Wichita one of the best kept secrets in the Midwest! Kristen is married to a busy MD, Chad, and is mom to Caden (6) and a baby girl due in September 2017! Kristen is a dentist, but is currently soaking up life as a SAHM. She is a dance team coach at Wichita Collegiate School and her joys in life include time with family and friends, coffee, fitness, fashion, sweet tea, traveling, and all things COLORFUL!