Dear Lovey : A Letter To My Child’s Snuggly

Dear Lovey,

It’s that time of day again. You know, the time where panic ensues as the search for you deepens. It seems you have managed to get yourself misplaced. I’m not trying to sound harsh, but this is the THIRD time this week. Now, I realize this isn’t totally your fault–tiny hands who like to carry you places such as under the sofa, for example, are of course the responsible party. But still, Lovey–could you just cut us a break and stick out a paw or a casually draped leg?

I know, I know. Being misplaced or (gulp) left behind isn’t fun. Yes, I do still remember the time we left you in the Detroit hotel room after a flight cancelation. I’m sure being found by a stranger and placed in a Post Office box to be delivered back was stressful. But look on the bright side…that was like 3 whole years ago.

Our track record has been pretty good ever since! And no, I’m not going to address the time you were “dipped” in the potty chair just to “see what would happen.” Comes along with the job, man. Comes along with the job.

See the thing is, good, bad or ugly, you are sort of a deal breaker. As in–without you there is NO DEAL. “Deal” being a smooth & calm bedtime. When you are lost bedtime becomes chaos. Gone are the sweet snuggles over stories. Kiss goodbye to the round of goodnight duets sung. Instead, imagine tear-streaked faces & rooms torn apart turning an otherwise “picked up” house quickly into what would be perceived as the remnants of a neighborhood slumber party.

The search for you will be thrown into overdrive…

Children will be comforted. It’s okay, sweet girl. We will find Lovey, He has to be here somewhere. Where did you leave him again? ANY idea? Phone calls will be made. Hi Honey, Have you seen Lovey?! HELP!Hi, Target? Yes–might you have found a small bunny with a round head, fabric for the body AND PIECES OF MY DAUGHTER’S SOUL? Perspective and rational will be tossed away. Horrible thoughts such as NOOOOOO! Lovey can’t be lost. What if he is lost FOREVER?! are frantically pushed aside. No. No. The rule is NO taking Lovey out of the house. He is here. He IS. He has to be. Where IS THAT *@*# THING?!

I’m sure you would help out these hysteric efforts if you could. Any chance you might gain the power to speak? That would be just great. Then you could shout HEY–I’m over here. No, here. Shoved between this pillow and a baby blanket. Look deeper….THERE. Whew! You found me! Instead of lying silent while the search party rolls right past hour one.

How do you manage to get stuck so many places?

Thankfully, you know how this story ends. Someone manages to find you hidden somewhere. Really?! The bottom guest bathroom drawer? and life can once again go on.

I say all of this not to shame you, sweet Lovey. Quite the opposite. You are as much a member of our family as any. You are my daughter’s self professed Best Friend for goodness sakeThat’s pretty special. Her first love.


So, in closing, would it be possible if you could help our future efforts to keep you contained to the bedroom? Thanks, Dear. Losing you is never quite the fun adventure perhaps you hope it would be. Oh, & juuuust in case you begin thinking otherwise, one word–Detroit.




Lindsey is thrilled to be back home in Kansas. She grew up across from a cornfield in a little town just North of Wichita, met her husband in High School and their young love carried them through college. The two married after graduation & began the adventure of Medical School, Residency, and Fellowship that took them to 3 states (um, 7 moves!) in 10 years. During that time, Lindsey taught first grade until she had the first of two children and began her role as a stay-at-home mama. Recently, she turned her love of fashion & design into a consulting business. Lindsey credits her role as owner of Huck & Leni Personal / Interior Styling as allowing her to be true to herself as a woman & as a mama. She admits the balance is sometimes tricky, but hey...that's why there's coffee, right?