Permission to be Selfish

Permission to Be Selfish

For the first time in almost 2 years my body is 100% MINE. My body is no longer growing another human being or my son’s source of nutrition. As much as I enjoyed playing this pivotal role in his life, I must admit it feels good to no longer have that responsibility. I’m currently being selfish, and I’m loving every minute of it!

Right now what I do only affects me. I can take ibuprofen if I have a headache. Drink more than one cocktail without worrying about pumping and dumping. Consume as much caffeine as I want. Wear regular clothes AND normal bras. This “selfishness” is so rare in motherhood. Rather than feel guilty, I’m embracing this feeling and I encourage you to do the same.

As moms, we work so hard every single day! We have countless responsibilities and make sacrifices left and right for our families. We are constantly thinking about what we have to do for everyone else that we often skip our own personal needs. I believe that as mothers we need to be more selfish in general. Many of us (myself included) feel guilty when we take time to pamper ourselves or do something just for us. We shouldn’t feel guilty! We should take advantage of every opportunity we get. Whether it’s getting a manicure, jogging around the neighborhood, or simply curling up with a book, we need to take time for our well-being.

When I was browsing Pinterest one day, I came across an inspirational quote that said “You can’t pour from an empty cup.” For some reason that message stuck with me and made me realize that I should start doing more things for myself. I now dedicate more time to fulfill my personal needs, and I’m a much happier mother as a result.

I know that this season of being “selfish” will likely be short-lived, which makes it that much sweeter. Before too long we will be trying for baby #2 and then it will be another 2 years before I can be selfish again (God willing). Don’t get me wrong, I am happy to make sacrifices for my children. Nine months of pregnancy plus a year of breastfeeding is short in the grand scheme of things. But it can feel like eternity in the middle of it! So before my body is put to work again, I’m going to take advantage of this time and indulge in what I truly want.

Pass the wine and sushi please!


Melanie Senn
Melanie grew up in Salina, KS and currently lives on the east side of Wichita with her husband of 5 years and their 1 year old son. They also have an energetic Pomeranian who is still adjusting to not being an only child. Melanie works full time as a Physician Assistant, but her background is in nutrition and she is also a Registered Dietitian. Even though she has degrees from KU, K-State, and Wichita State, she bleeds purple and cheers loudest for the K-State Wildcats. When she isn't working, she is usually making a huge mess in the kitchen trying new recipes or snuggled up on the couch with her boys.


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