5 Easy Ways to Show Him You Love Him

5 Easy Ways to Show Him Love Him | Wichita Moms BlogIn February, my husband and I celebrated twenty years of wedded bliss (preceded by five years of romantic dating).

Did you read that and think, “Oh, how sweet!”, or did you (more realistically) translate my words into, “Who does she think she’s fooling?”

We are celebrating two decades as husband and wife, but truth-be-told, there were periods of time when celebrating this milestone seemed unlikely, highly improbable, and maybe even impossible. We married in our early 20s, barely adults, and became parents within that first newlywed year. We were young. And, as smart as we thought we were, we had no idea what true commitment or self-sacrifice meant, nor did we realize how much effort it took to stay in love.

Thankfully, we grew up.

By the grace of God, our commitment to each other lasted. Because of sheer determination, we stayed a couple and maintained our family. And through all of the turmoil and growth, I realized what a true gift Chris is to me. He does so much for our family – and I wonder, “Do I match his efforts? Does he feel as loved and appreciated as he makes me feel?”

As moms, we get wrapped up in daily life and sometimes, I think, our husbands take a back seat.

But they shouldn’t.

Here’s a short list of easy ways to show him you love him. We all know we could use a little more love in this world! Who better to shower that love on than that guy you fell in love with years ago?

Notice the little things he does to make your life easier & say “thank you”.

Does he take your car and fill it with gas, so you don’t have to? Does he leave you the last bit of coffee creamer, so your morning starts off on the right foot? Does he distract the kid who is driving you crazy, so you can have a moment’s peace? View his acts of love with a tender eye and your heart melts. Tell him “thank you” and he realizes you notice his efforts.

Do (little) things for him to make his life easier.

Dry cleaning and laundry are jobs I try to do, something he doesn’t have to be responsible for … ever. He knows he will always have a freshly pressed shirt in the closet. It’s my little way to say, “I’ve got you covered!”

Meet him at the door when he comes home from work.

It shouldn’t be just the dog and the kids who run to him when he arrives. Imagine how much you would lift his spirits, stopping for a moment to welcome him home.

Praise him.

In our house, the kids say, “Thanks, Dad, for paying the rent!” as he leaves for work. It’s a silly statement, but we know we have what we have because he does what he does. He provides for us – and for that, we voice our thanks.

Make time for date nights.

This one escaped me when my kids were younger. The investment of time and money to hire a babysitter so we could eat out and watch a mediocre movie – it just didn’t seem worth it. I failed to recognize the importance of conversation over dinner without kids interrupting, hand holding in the theater, the quiet time devoted to just us.

I hope that each of you are blessed with someone in your life who treasures, adores, and needs you. And, I hope you take the time to reciprocate that affection, knowing it takes two to make a relationship prosper.


Maricar Harris
Maricar (pronounced “Merrah Car”) is moved to Wichita in July 2014 from Virginia Beach. She married her college sweetheart, Chris, in 1996. Together, they have four kids: Will, Addison, Bekah, and Victor. Maricar and Chris are originally from Augusta, Georgia (the “Home of the Masters”, for any avid golfers out there) and have moved quite a bit while Chris completed residency/fellowship (and an eight year US Navy commitment). Here in Wichita, they are now planting some roots. Maricar is a chemistry teacher at Wichita Collegiate, who spends a lot of time cheering for her Spartans at sporting events. She enjoys a good inspirational book, a freshly brewed cup of coffee, scrapbooking, and dinner date nights. Eating out and going to movies tops the list of things the Harris family likes to do. Having a newborn at 42 has been life changing, but she recognizes the greatness of this blessing and is looking forward to this chapter of life.